Keviп Costпer Refυses to Share Stage with Whoopi Goldberg at the Oscars, Sparkiпg Major Coпtroversy
By David Williams in November 7, 2024
Keanu took the envelope, handed it to Joe Barron, and followed Costner back to his seat.
“When you can’t even get Keanu Reeves to present your award.” said Barron, “There’s a good chance you should just retire. He’s like…the nicest guy alive. He told me handing her the award would put a target on his back at the marina. He doesn’t even go to the marina”
At first glance, the story makes no sense. It’s almost as though we did this with Keanu already and it went so well that we figured we’d drop another fave they think is on their side and see what happens
Anyway, good for you, Costner and Keanu. You’ve kept this nonsense alive for yet another day. God Bless America.
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